My journey has led me here to you.

For years, I asked myself why I kept falling short. But now, I know it was needed to find my highest purpose…in helping you find and live yours.


“I’ve had a lot of success as a Life Coach, but I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be where I am today…in my relationships, spiritual life, & business, if it wasn’t for Tiamo’s teachings & loving support every step of the way .”
-Mamoon Yusaf, Best Selling Author, Spiritual Mentor, TV Personality


As a motivational speaker-singer-songwriter, Tiamo  combines speaking with live music to deliver “Keynote Concerts” at conferences and seminars. Tiamo also leads live 3-day seminars and mastermind retreats for message driven musicians and aspiring speakers.


As a coach, Tiamo helps entrepreneurs, musicians, and speakers to:

  • Unlock and unleash their soul’s greatest purpose
  • Make an impact by crafting their stories and delivering a signature 1-hour speech
  • Thrive in life and business by following his Joy First model


  • Two-time best selling published author
  • Spoken to over 100,000 people on 250+ stages
  • L.A. Music Award’s “Singer/Songwriter of the Year”
  • San Diego Acoustic Music Award’s “Best Songwriter”
  • Appeared on FOX, CBS, NBC

I used to be completely lost about my

purpose in the world.

Even though I had so much to say, I had no idea how to turn that into something special.

But my best friend had a intuitive message for me one day…

Tiamo, you’re destined to be a singer/songwriter”, he said.

Because my dad was an accomplished performing songwriter, I had so much resistance about my friend’s message because I wanted to blaze my own trail. After a year of me fighting it, my friend called me one day and said…

“I’m buying you a guitar today, and you can just let it sit in your living room where you can see it every day. Then I promise you, the songs will find you.”

My friend was right—one day, the songs came down from the cosmos and found me.

I started writing and performing every chance I got. I grew a fan base, released studio albums, won awards, and became a full-time singer/songwriter.

I also experienced music industry struggles and big dreams being crushed. I was broken-hearted, but then, I re-defined myself.

I also experienced music industry struggles and big dreams being crushed. I was broken-hearted, but then, I re-defined myself.

The Breakthrough

After attending conferences, I saw the tremendous opportunity and promise in keynote presentations.

That’s when the inspiration to deliver “keynote concerts” emerged, and I had my career breakthrough.

After years of success, I began teaching other musicians how to deliver keynote concerts through my online courses and live seminars. This became my new passion, and in time, I also began teaching speakers how to craft and deliver their speeches.

I found myself running 4 businesses at one time—-music, keynote concerts, coaching musicians, and coaching speakers.

Honestly, I was the most unhappy I had ever been.

Business and audiences kept growing, but there was a problem. I was drained, burned-out, and sick most of the time.

I prayed for an answer, meditated every morning, and the answer finally came—in the form of a question that sounded like this…

“What would happen if I put joy first in my life, and business second?”

From this question, a new methodology came through me. Despite my fears of my business collapsing, I committed to this new lifestyle choice for a year and surrendered to all possibilities.

In that year, I found my greatest joys in life, my health significantly improved, I discovered my highest purpose, and my business revenue increased by 30% while working 75% less.

That’s when my Joy First book and course crystallized.

And now, I teach people just like you how to live from this place of greater joy, deeper purpose, and true, lasting success.


Joy First Life

My Personal Side

I am in love with life. I seek balance, magical moments, authentic connection with people, and expect miracles.

I would rather run through the rain than seek cover in the shelter. I am getting better at making choices and decisions in the absence of fear, and in the light of courage and unconditional love.

I choose to live my life from empowerment and self-awareness rather than reactivity, blame, and need. I believe in angels. I believe that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.

In everything that I do, I ask myself, “What would love do now?” and then I try to BE that.

I greet every day with an open heart.

I would rather run through the rain than seek cover in the shelter. I am getting better at making choices and decisions in the absence of fear, and in the light of courage and unconditional love.

I choose to live my life from empowerment and self-awareness rather than reactivity, blame, and need. I believe in angels. I believe that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.

In everything that I do, I ask myself, “What would love do now?” and then I try to BE that. I greet every day with an open heart.

I’m a huge fan of altruism and strive to make others feel special and unique because I ask myself “What better feeling is there than to witness someone realize their greatness?” I believe that life is a celebration of acceptance, even in the toughest of moments.

I dance with life. Sometimes I move to ballads, other times, I move to rock. I believe the answers to life can be found in the beauty of music, stories, and life-changing words, and that’s why I share them with deep intention.

I live in gratitude. I love to read, grow, laugh, talk, listen, exercise, challenge myself, be inspired, and do the inspiring. I get natural highs from being around people…but only because I know when to value my alone time and serenity.

I have a very strong connection with my beautiful wife Diane, my miracle daughter JeTaime, my family, friends, and live a life of passion.

I am humbled by nature. I seek to touch the sky and soar with the eagles, yet remain grounded with the Earth. Sometimes, I feel like a tidal wave of energy, other times, I feel like a stream through a forest.

To me, life is about loving the journey, and not having attachments to outcomes.

I want to be a gift to life, because life is such a gift to me.

Here’s how I can help you


Find your Purpose

Free Workshop

Joy First

The Revolutionary New Method to Thrive in Life & Business

▶︎ What is Joy First?

It’s a radical reprioritization of how you invest your time & energy that results in…

Expansive joy, deep gratitude, & greater success WITHOUT trading time for money, sacrificing your well-being, or negleting your relationships.

❖ Download the Joy First video training + 3-chapter book preview - for free! ▼

Keynote Concerts

Motivational Speaking

Keynote Concerts

Transform Your Audience!

Meeting planners, transform your audience with a dynamic, creative, & unforgettable keynote experience that will blow them away!

This isn’t your ordinary keynote—this is a “Keynote Concert” where Tiamo combines speaking with original music, inspiring personal stories, and life-changing lessons.

❖ See Tiamo’s “Keynote Concert” in action here▼

Music + Coaching


Thriving Musician

Tired of being under-valued?

Music artists, if you’re tired of being under-valued in the “music industry matrix”, come thrive with us by delivering Keynote Concerts at conferences, high-end Custom Songs, and grow your fan base in new ways.

Are you a musician with a mission, but few people (if any) are listening? Get ready for all of that to change for good…

❖ Catch Tiamo’s virtual masterclass here▼

Orginal Songs

Tiamo's Music

Want to hear Tiamo’s original music?

Listen to song clips, see music videos, and learn more about his custom songwriting business

Tiamo’s music is filled with heart and soul. Come see what we mean…

❖ Listen to Tiamo’s work here▼

As seen on